Spare Parts

Over 65,000 part numbers and reference numbers at our disposal


Over 45 years experience

Pumps &

Fully equipped in-house workshop

Injector & Glow Plug Removal

Full range of specialised and universal tools



  • Injectors

    Our stocks are not vast, but our experience is such that we are likely to be able to help in obtaining old style, pre-common rail injectors. Examples of these could be AEC, Bedford TK and KM, Ford D Series, Ford Cargo, Gardner LW, LXB, LXCT and LX, Leyland 600, 680 and 680 PP, GMC, Mercedes, British Leyland models including the Sherpa, Transit, the Volkswagen LT and Landrover.

    We stock some Stanadyne injectors which are for use in John Deere and Ford Transit Vans.

  • Pumps

    Our stocks are not huge, but again our experience is such that we will be able to help out with your requirement for old style, pre- common rail pumps. Two types of pump were common place, the rotary and the in-line pump. In the rotary pump the fuel outlets were radial whereas the in line pumps the delivery was sequential.

    Examples of these could be AEC, Bedford TK and KM, Ford D Series, Ford Cargo, Gardner LW, LXB, LXCT and LX, Leyland 600, 680 and 680 PP, GMC, Mercedes, British Leyland models including the Sherpa, Transit, the Volkswagen LT and Landrover.

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items

Common Rail has had such an impact on the diesel fuel injection trade, consequently demand for old type pumps and injectors has dramatically fallen but thanks to a number of enthusiasts restoring old vehicles and engines there has been a resurgence in popularity. In line with, we stock some old type pumps and injectors but we also have a wealth of experience in sourcing old style units.

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  • We hold vast stocks of OE and quality replacement parts
  • We can source virtually any diesel part
  • The largest UK independent distributor of Diesel Fuel Injection components
  • We export our products to worldwide destinations
  • Next day delivery

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